Sunset Hills Attorney

Were you unfortunate enough to be issued a speeding ticket in Sunset Hills, Missouri?  Let attorneys at the Lexstop Law Firm help you.  Our attorneys regularly help people in Sunset Hills with many of their legal issues.  Even if it is not traffic or speeding related, feel free to call us at 1-888-888-0020 or submit a contact form at the left of this page and we will be happy to help you out.  Even if we cannot take your case, we may be able to recommend an attorney who can.

As a courtesy to visitors of our site, we have included a map and driving directions to the Sunset Hills Municipal Court.  If you hire us to defend you, we can probably save you a trip to court.  More serious criminal and traffic matters may require you to appear in court even if you have hired an attorney to represent you.  To make it easier for you to meet us there if you are a client of ours, we provide this map and driving directions free of charge.

Sunset Hills Municipal Court

3939 S. Lindbergh Blvd.

Sunset Hills, MO. 63127

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Disclaimer: Because we offer information about the Sunset Hills Municipal Court as a free courtesy, we cannot guarantee the information is up to date.  If you need more information about the Sunset Hills Municipal Court, click here.  While we do try our best, please let our attorneys know right away if you spot an error and we will try to correct it as soon as possible.