Country Club Hills Lawyer

Country Club Hills Lawyer

Did you happen to get pulled over in Country Club Hills, Missouri?  An experienced lawyer can help you.  Submit a contact form online or give us a call.  We will be happy to help in any way we can.  Even if you simply ran across this site and are in need of other legal assistance, we will be happy to help you.  While we don’t take every case, we will be happy to try to refer you to someone who can even if we are not fortunate enough to help you.


If you choose to represent yourself, we offer visitors a map and driving directions to the courthouse.  However, if you hire a lawyer to represent you, we can probably save you the trip if it is a minor traffic or speeding ticket.  More serious criminal matters usually require an appearance so we try to make it easy for you.


Country Club Hills Municipal Court

7422 Eunice Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63136

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Disclaimer: While we do try to ensure that the information about the Country Club Municipal Court is up to date and accurate, we cannot guarantee that it is.  For more information about the Country Club Hills Municipal Court, click here.  If you spot an error or a broken link on this site, feel free to tell the lawyers about it right away and we will work to get it fixed.